

Conversation Between oldweirdherald and 68Deville

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi mom, question can I change my 68Deville to Caddy?

  2. Hi Mom, I know this is not ethical but why not?

    "Well Another Locked Thread

    I guess I missed out on the name calling, but just like DeadBlog, more locked threads...and you wonder why no one posts here..... "

    So much of that, what can I say about that???

  3. Hi mom, I had a conversation with John Tore Anderson and he can't get on the forum? I guess he forgot his password and username?
    Please let me know how we can get him back on line?
    He is a good asset for OWH, don't you think so? lol
    PM me how it should be done.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3