

Conversation Between Ramcatlarry and chad423

4 Visitor Messages

  1. hey larry how are you doing? Have not been on here in a while. See you are looking for v blocks. I am in the middle of moving to North Carolina. I will be getting my printers back up going when i get there. I would love to get back into making some products so let me know of any ideas. I still have been selling my pit boxes and motor holders. How is the racing seen doing where you live?
  2. Check McMaster-Carr for photos and pricing of steel machinist V-blocks. One I might order is the pair of blocks about one inch long each for $40. They will do what I need and be clampable in a small drill vise if .needed. The 3D special I have seen has a 'rod' in the bottom of the V to center an armature for center drilling for balencing. Different sizes of plastic or brass tubing will do the same function for different armatures.
  3. Do you have a picture or drawing?
  4. HI CHAD, finally got my OWH working again.
    Still doing 3D? Ever see a file "armature V-block" ? Machinist V-block about 2 inches long with a big "V" for drilling endbells for for mounting and armatures for balencing. I need one as does a lot of motor builders. 630-414-6167
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4