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  1. View Conversation
    Bill our next isra race at Washington pa is 12-13-14 pm me or call if you have any ? greg mayer 724-207-3334 thanks. I was going to come to marks for occ race built 5 new motors forgot it was my sons birthday party day anyway will try to make it over there for a Saturday race. greg mayer
  2. View Conversation
    Spray glue should be good on that track. Maybe you can attract a few racers who want to go a little faster. All classes below big dog g27 run in spray glue so that should make racing more popular.
  3. Yep but they will start out with a 100$ wing class and see what kind of intrest can be generated,don't think Mark will ever run glue races. The track is slower than yours so much above 27l in spray glue will be all it can handle. His intrests lie in scale and retro,the track only has 4 taps on it so not really suited to high speed running
  4. View Conversation
    Hi Bill. Heard there's a Gerding going in Canton. Is it a king and are they gonna race wings?
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About Bill Fulmer

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About Bill Fulmer


Remember the lack of any credible evidence is proof the conspiracy is working!


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12-03-2014 08:21 AM
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05-11-2022 01:34 AM
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