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    Got to give you some life updates: I was diagnosed with a heart attack the weekend of my 24th aniversary the weekend feb 17, spent 2 days in the hospital. Ct scans reveal no heart damage? The started looking for blood clots in the main arteries and foud nothing. What they did find was big lymph nodes around my lungs and arteries leading to lungs. (It was like running a euro with 50ft of choke). Early prognosis was bad cancer or lymphoma since they ruled out sarcoidosis through an earlier blood test. Biopsy was done last friday and no bad cancer or lymphoma found. What they found was sarcoidosis. Steroids for the next 6 months and I will be fine
  2. View Conversation
    Tony. What are the rules for dirt late model?
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    Tony, we will not be able to make the scale race this month. Going to three races already .
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    Tony , you better check with Roman how he is doing with fixing the lap counter. The computer took a **** when we were there and we could not race. Let me know.
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    Tony, md de dave here we have met at the track a few times. I am looking to do some racing but have only done basic GTB we called it on saturdays @ the track a few years back.. I am in college park..my problem is understanding rules to build cars to have race ready..looking for some help to make these Jan. races I am going to contact Bill D also for same & I may show up fri the 11th in case Roman is there so I can practice Thanks, Dave [email protected]
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    Hi Tony ........... this is Kev ............ ;-) Could you send me that pic you took of the Camen crew? Can't wait to see it ............. :-0 My email is:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    either will get me and thanks in advance ................ Kev :-)
  8. View Conversation

    A quick question for you. In the GP12 wing cars are ballbearings allowed for the rear axle?

    John W
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About Tmoore

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September 26, 1954 (70)
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Glen Burnie, Md
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03-21-2014 05:34 PM
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11-08-2022 06:31 PM
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