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  1. View Conversation
    Hey Mic, how are ya? curious what ended up with your remote control for your Lapmaster system. I'm experiencing some issues with distance as well.

  2. View Conversation
    Hey mic. You out there?
  3. View Conversation
    Send me your address.
  4. View Conversation
    Hey mic. Just wondering if you have ever tried a 560 D arm ground down to 540 at SpeedZone Jersey? I have a felling it would really work.
  5. View Conversation
    hey Mic, need your help on a project. i want to help Monty. I would like the Bowskeeters to facilitate an auction sort of like the one for Lou but with an open 12 instead of a Euro. As you Know Monty is not well. If we can do something to assist our SlotRacing Icons to continue being Icons we need to help them. Monty needs a few months to recuperate but he wont stop trying to make stuff for us unless he has enough income. He is a modest sole so it may not take much. I will get an Open 12 chassis (most likely a Mack) i will have George Russell build it , if ou could get or build a motor and i will look into getting a real cool body done (noose type) a similar auction could be done. If we could do this and not expose too much of Montys private life that would be great. let me know your thoughts

  6. View Conversation
    Hey Mic,

    I can get hones for us at $40 each if you need any. Going to place an order Monday if you need any let me know.
  7. [email protected] I know I'm not the first to use bigger dia. arms . Would love to here more always looking to learn something more
  8. View Conversation
    Hi Mic,

    I would love to share with you some history about the big diameter arms but I need your e-mail address.

    If your interested in knowing more...... send me your e-mail address.

    Thanks, Ron
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About Mic Byrd

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About Mic Byrd
New Jersey
slot cars/Golf
Master Electrician


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03-27-2014 05:15 PM
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02-02-2023 09:38 AM
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