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  1. View Conversation
    Hey Mike, meant to call you today. I need a set of coarse abrasives on the aluminum wheels for the tire machine

  2. 708-203-8003
  3. View Conversation
    I need your phone # so I can talk to you about F2000 2015
  4. Hi Mike,
    Great to hear from you.
    First of all, this isn't a great way to reach me.
    I'm not nearly on this as much as I'm on Slotblog.


    That's where all the good Retro info is.
    Here's the spot where guys post their chassis builds.


    My suggestion would be to get in touch with Rick Davis.
    He's a good customer of mine.
    He's back into slot cars and is one of the top Retro racers these days.
    You can reach him at 586-295-0631.
    He can give you some advice and possibly lend you a car for the weekly Retro races they have somewhere in your area.

    You can reach me at 708-203-8003, but I'm pretty jammed up this week until Friday.

    Once you have an idea where you want to get headed, I'll be happy to sell you parts and give you a
    "he's a top, old pro" 20% discount. LOL

    Glad to hear you're back.
    I think you'll love Retro.

  5. View Conversation
    This is Raisin (Mike Garrett). Its been 20 years since I raced so I'm not sure if you remember me. A cpl months ago I started playing around with the slots again. Went into the local track on racenight to see what was going on and a racer actually loaned me a back up car to run (quite generous offer from a stranger). I got 3rd behind the two local hot shoes. The following week I pieced together an old Champion car from my IMCA days and got another 3rd. Drove the old car to a 2nd the next week and decided I need something a little better so I picked up a cpl JK Chassis cars and rebuilt them. I couldnt believe how much better they are, I won the next 3 races.

    Anyway, the reason I am sending you this is I am interested in trying this new "RETRO" class of racing and they are telling me you are the man to set me in the right direction. Any help or advice you could offer on where, when, and the cars would be greatly appreciated. My email is [email protected]

  6. I just have 5 pcs. each of Orange or Pink.
    The "Cherry Red" ones did not come in any of the bags with asst. colors I've gotten lately.

    No bat style tongue braces. They're just not popular anymore.

    I only have the JK machined offset bearings for 1/8" axle.
    Again, it's not a popular item anymore (really never was more than a mediocre seller)

  7. View Conversation
    Hi Mike
    Do you have any Machined Offset Bearings (2 pr) and Bat Style Guide Tongue Brace ( just 1), both for Cheetah 11? Additionally, I am trying to locate Red Fox "Super Guide" (5 pr) in the color red. Let me know and we can handle this with PayPal or your choice. Thanks

  8. View Conversation
    Hi mike ,received the 3 disc's today..id like to buy more disc's and strip's if i can also..let me know how much..thankx,chuck
  9. I'll check with Geary.
  10. View Conversation
    hi mike..been useing the guide tool i bought..works great..how do i go about getting replacement sanding stips and circles?i want to get extras..right now i need the circles..wore throught both circle 's....how much are they..i live in 19607..reading,pa...chuck
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"Get Yourself Retrofied"
Chicagoland Raceway
17B West Ogden Ave.
Westmont,Il. 60559
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