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  1. View Conversation
    Hi mom, question can I change my 68Deville to Caddy?

  2. View Conversation
    Hi Mom, I know this is not ethical but why not?

    "Well Another Locked Thread

    I guess I missed out on the name calling, but just like DeadBlog, more locked threads...and you wonder why no one posts here..... "

    So much of that, what can I say about that???

  3. View Conversation
    Hey thanks Paul for the 3D post
  4. View Conversation
    Hey Weird Guy,

    In the post "How-about-an-update-on-Mid-America-Raceways" the #6 posting is Laura Schmitt asking for help locating assets in the on going divorce battle between Roger and Laura, Roger has asked me to ask you to please remove that posting.

    It seems that the divorce battle is really hot and heavy. I heard that the judge gave a ruling and Laura said no way and the battle continues! :-)

    I'm not really sure what the policy on this is for the OWH forum. I am just passing on a request from Roger.


  5. View Conversation
    Hi mom, I had a conversation with John Tore Anderson and he can't get on the forum? I guess he forgot his password and username?
    Please let me know how we can get him back on line?
    He is a good asset for OWH, don't you think so? lol
    PM me how it should be done.

  6. View Conversation
    mom; i'm not able to send zippity a message even though i'm logged in. have had this kind of problem before. i'll pay to play, BUT b/s walks & money talks works both ways, get my drift ? ~~~~ dr. nuke ~~~ [FLOYD]
  7. View Conversation
    I def want to donate, but I have no PayPal or Debit or Credit cards !
  8. View Conversation
    Hi MOM,
    I just sold my old track and tried to post in heading that it is sold, if you can help me out, I'd appreciate it.
    Upon sale, I made a 10% Donation to the CAUSE! Thanks for having a great place for us slot nuts!

    Andy "BEACH OVAL"
  9. View Conversation
    Hi Paul,

    Very coincidental, but I had a peculiar interest in the Philippines during the 90's. I spent two years in Manila, QC, Alabang areas. The southern islands were always considered hot spots for political trouble. The Abu Sayaf are still active, but their activities are located even further south of Davao evidently. Looks like your dialed in with the local Baranguy there. Very important to have friends in high places. I miss P.I. in many ways. I drove an old Cortina and could tell you some stories. -m
  10. View Conversation
    Hi Paul,

    I'm joining OWH for the 2nd time. I had lost my previous contact info, so I'm starting over again. Anything from my past membership that's taking up any space can be deleted.

    To let you know (no news) I've been excommunicated from SlotBlog. I consider it my fault over a very ugly comment I made, but it was about time I left. It was bound to happen sometime.

    I'm here for fun. I'm very opinionated, but I don't use slurs or name calling. I didn't do that on SlotBlog and it won't happen here.

    Cool, there is an alternative to stay in touch with the Slot World. Thanks for having this venue for us odd balls.

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About oldweirdherald

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Date of Birth
February 19, 1955 (69)
About oldweirdherald
slot car racing fanatic since 1960
NorthWesterner now in Philippines
Slot Cars (duh!) and internet (duh!)
Speed & Scale Crazed Moron, & web geek


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Paul Kassens
OWH Slot Car Talk "Mom"
The Old Weird Herald
email: [email protected]

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