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  1. View Conversation
    Hey PK, I suggested to Noose that he post some of his retro race reports on OWH in the Retro forum and he replied

    "Roman I try to post them there but the file size of the pdf race report is often too large and won't be accepted. I even do a reduction of the file after it is created but OWH has limits. If it fits it will get posted but most times it doesn't. You can always until SARN comes out too since all reports are graciously accepted and put in there. ""

    Is that right?
  2. View Conversation
    Hi Paul,

    I see that Debby at bp posted a list of hotels and motels, in response to Jeff Sarkasian's question under race announcement's ( has anyone checked into block room rates?), any how, I was wondering if you could perhaps move her response to the 2012 nats race announcement thread, if you beleive it to be appropriate.

    Tanks, Randy
  3. View Conversation
    Thanks Paul, works just fine. I'm off to BPR for the races on the flat track. Thanks again.

    Tom Eatherly
  4. View Conversation
    Hi Paul, I raced way back in the mid/ early eighties. Is there a place to find all race results from USRA races back then? I raced only one time in USRA back then (somewhere between 83-85 as a guess) in Escondido, CA at Minimotorsports. Actually, both my dad and I did. Just curious if that info was out there somewhere?

    Best regards, Jay Herrod
  5. View Conversation
    Thanks PK.
    As bad as I can be at times... this guy really knows how to work it to the edge of the fence !
  6. View Conversation
    Dear PK- you missed the entire point of my post about modelville. The only people that would see my posts are other fanatics like you and me. Noobs wouldnt be on this blog. My goal was to make reference to how this behavior damages the growth of our hobby, not a slam on a track. I love the space... But answer this... if you went to the Apple store and played with your iPhone, iPad, or Mac Book, do you think they would tell you to F-off or ask if you needed help???
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    That other board is inventorying the tracks in the US so after posting this with Greg I thought I'd bring it home to Mom!

    Heres a couple that have opened in Indiana.

    Don't know much about it, haven't been there yet


    They have a trioval I built.

    I know that Fast Eddies in Richmond is still going strong. I built a new flat track for them last winter. Picture attached...

    There's a really healthy series of 1/32 racing going on on routed home tracks in the Terra Haute area. Contact Dan Thorlton through their site: http://slotcaraddict.ning.com/ to see if they want the publicity.

    I've spoken with Jeff Vandiver at Fastlane in Evansville recently so they're still there... I don't know about the others...

    Let me know if there's anything else I can do.

  8. View Conversation
    second half....

    Minimum buy in is $25 which gets you 5 ticket entries. Over the $25 gets 1 ticket per $5. Raffle will end 7 days after starting and ticket will be pulled by a non partisan(one of the kids at my cub scout troupe). First ticket gets the 1/32 chassis and the second ticket gets THE CAR!!!! All proceeds go to Monty. If I were to win this car (which I cannot) I would put it in a trophy case or mount it on something and present it to Monty for his contribution to slot racing and for being a true friend. The racer in me would race the #@#$ out of it because it is a beast….. You decide.

    donations will be directed to [email protected].

    im just trying to make it a one stop shop...

  9. View Conversation
    hey paul Im about to post info on the Help Monty car raffle im putting together, here is what the post will look like.for your approval:

    Hey Folks The Raffle is nearing (hope to get things set up by Wednesday). We all want Monty to get better but that’s not enough!!! To help with some of his expenses (whatever they may be) Some of us have donated some serious equipment to put together a monster Open 12 car. A tremendous thank you goes out to Mic Byrd for supplying the heart of the car. A BOW equipped 12 motor which is getting stuffed in a very rare to the U.S, Mack open 12 Chassis with a beautifully done Body shell by the one and only Noose. Tires by Hermanator gears by Cahoza/Camen and expertly assembled by George (slotcarracer) Russell. As an added bonus another chassis (1/32 Euro) is being donated for the raffle by Richard Mack. The way I intend to run the raffle is as follows;
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    Where can I find info on how to resize a picture to add to a post in the tracks for sale I just added ?
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About oldweirdherald

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February 19, 1955 (69)
About oldweirdherald
slot car racing fanatic since 1960
NorthWesterner now in Philippines
Slot Cars (duh!) and internet (duh!)
Speed & Scale Crazed Moron, & web geek


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Paul Kassens
OWH Slot Car Talk "Mom"
The Old Weird Herald
email: [email protected]

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