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  2. duh ~ Fred is this real? how long does it take? ~ "PRICELESS, ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD" Cukras once told me while discussing piggy/backing ,young turks,movers & shakers that abound in & around 'sillyville'. If the real young turks, ~ PLEASE GIT IT TOGETHER ~ George, you are in 'HOG'INHEAVIN' @ Berzerkly!~ 'U 'no wht aye nv'r kin' no'd dat'daed'k;no'd !!so'whut! pay'up suka ! ME,ME,ME won't ever ever persivere! , GITT'IN DOWN W'IT! Too ****ing bloody fer me' DUDE'! Had it w/suck ups posturing as grown-ups, all the while,picking & flicking nose drippings or wping fingers on cargo shorts 24/7 or sucking up & pandering the fecless track owners.Get over it 'u' made yer bed- so be the WHOLE problem.Be sure to baniffin 'u' kan,LISSIN UP Y'ALL~ WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR YOUR (------- )
  3. fred...are you & george giving an "all you wanted to know about slotcar motor building " hey ! ~I HAVE TONS OF STUFF TO CONTRIBUTE OR DONATE OR CO-PARTNER SPONSER TO NOR-CAL FOR EURO/ "F" CLASS using only motors & motor parts manufactured by SLICK 7, PRO/SLOT ~~ could have builders class ~~manufacturer /sponsor class~~team class~~ try to get ~~ NEW ~~sponsors i.e., rotary cruseship,animal care,auto,agriculture,arts,education,archecture,g. e., g.m., pepsi cola,home builders, farm equipment, real estate,law, politics.government~~ remember the only BAD ADVERTISING IS NO ADVERTISING ~~SO CHAT IT UP IN A POSITIVE WAY~~ and i'm kind'a not PRIME physically so can't brainfart those of us who may be entitled to demand subjective behavior,due ,i might suggested by breeding ,as such. in their own warped mellon beavus & butthead ~SUCAZ & SCHFO
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About Crash

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Date of Birth
August 2, 1942 (82)
About Crash
I have been involved in slot cars since 1956....After baseball ended, sore shoulder...racing slot cars has given me the outlet for my competativeness
Madera, CA
duck hunting, sprint cars, F1, IRL, sports car racing, rally cars, "BUS RACING"


If you're serious about Slotcars get Cars By Crash


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05-17-2012 05:27 PM
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07-04-2019 12:21 PM
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