


Type: Posts; User: Muzbnuts

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  1. Look elsewheree, this baby is gone

  2. I've been "Out of the loop" for a few years,...

    I've been "Out of the loop" for a few years, pretty much since 2014. Back then, "Brush-contained" meant Falcon, Hawk 7, or evil 9... I had different guys swearing by, & swearing AT one or the other,...
  3. For a once or twice a year event, Food is no...

    For a once or twice a year event, Food is no problem, bring in a grill, dogs, home-made chili for the dogs, burgers, chips, pop, beans.... As far as "Rules" go, the less the better. I'd suggest a...
  4. "Mid-sized" 6-lane reverse grandstand for sale in central Missouri

    Just starting out? Thinking about opening a commercial track? A thought for your consideration... MANY of your "Mini-mall" spots with that all-important "foot-traffic" that are anchored by a chain...
  5. Replies

    |We talked about this a couple weeks ago, I made...

    |We talked about this a couple weeks ago, I made what I thought was a very reasonable offer.. that offer still stands, PM me if you decide to take me up on it, but within a week, I'll be buying one...
  6. Replies

    Well, first off, I'd like to thank you both for...

    Well, first off, I'd like to thank you both for NOT "kickin a guy when he's down".... I made NO promises that I did not KEEP pertaining to the Ill-fated event... What was it that I...
  7. Replies

    The Race WAS held, the whole place was...

    The Race WAS held, the whole place was Immaculately cleaned, the parts cabinet was well stocked, the track was cleaned & spray-glued to perfection, the coolers were full of refreshments, a...
  8. Replies

    There's STILL TIME!!!!

    Ok, Yeah, I know, I know, I said the Last shameless plug for the Missouri State championships was going to be the Last shameless plug, but WTH, I'll give it ONE MORE shot... You can STILL make it...
  9. Replies

    E-BAY!!!!! One man's Divorce is YOUR new race-set...

    E-BAY!!!!! One man's Divorce is YOUR new race-set for 25% of retail...as far as what to look for, that's up to you, I do NOT have any experience with Carrara, scale(?)ectrix, or any of that...
  10. Final shameless plug for Missouri State Championships

    Well Everybody, I'm seeing that it's going to be "Slot-Car Weather" (As in cool, wet, & Rainy) this Labor-Day weekend, so IF you had "Outdoor" plans, You just might want to reconsider coming to...
  11. Replies

    This just in!!! "Fish-Finder" Feaux-pau Folly...

    This just in!!! "Fish-Finder" Feaux-pau Folly Fundamentally Frustrates Feeble Fogey!!! Film @ 11!!!!!

    While I'm At it, I got a BUTT-LOAD of extra parking off to the side of the building , &&& I...
  12. Replies

    Thanx Sam... :) Ok, & REMEMBER FOLKS, "You CAN'T...

    Thanx Sam... :) Ok, & REMEMBER FOLKS, "You CAN'T MISS it!!!" You can pretty much stop ANYWHERE in town, & get directions to the Osage-Beach Post -office if all else fails...
  13. Replies

    Missouri State Championships...Hick-Town "Electronic-direction-finder" Hiccups

    Anybody that plans on attending the The "Big" Race In Osage Beach, on August 31st, please take note that IF you are using an "Electronic Fish-finder" type of gadget to find the shop, you will have...
  14. Replies

    Sure Jeff, I have several rooms set aside, It's...

    Sure Jeff, I have several rooms set aside, It's nothing "5-Star" but it's VERY reasonable, CLEAN, has a nice little swimming pool, & it's ONLY a block from the track.. I see you mentioned Friday,...
  15. Hey zipper, that's exactly the problems I'm...

    Hey zipper, that's exactly the problems I'm having with it, So, I've started using google chrome, & now that I've figured it out, it works with NONE of the "IE" problems... I even tried to update IE,...
  16. Replies

    Well Alan, darn it, would have loved to got to...

    Well Alan, darn it, would have loved to got to meet you. Just remember to stop and PLAY a LITTLE bit in with all that workin... hope your track turns out GREAT! Post some pics? maybe on F B if it's a...
  17. Replies

    Alan, you Need to come race with us on the...

    Alan, you Need to come race with us on the 31st...It's gonna be FUN, & I KNOW you'd have a blast...Tennesee ain't THAT far away from O-soggy Beach... Bring sumthin HOTT-runnin for the race, & a...
  18. Replies

    I think the original point (as was mine from a...

    I think the original point (as was mine from a year ago) Was to Let them ALL run together, in order to get "the old junk out of the closet"... On the tighter, smaller tracks, the older "hot" motors...
  19. Replies

    Of course not Sam, you've always been nice to...

    Of course not Sam, you've always been nice to me... :) My whole point was how much DIFFERENT the responses can be for two different people saying virtually the same thing...
  20. Replies

    Personally, I never HEARD of something so...

    Personally, I never HEARD of something so outlandish...(But it sounds FUN!!!) I LOVE building motors, And would love to run a "built-motor" class at my place too, but I just don't have the...
  21. How `bout a whole THREAD dedicated to helping each other with COMPUTER issues???

    you know, MaYbE it's "off topic" but if ya wanna get on OWH, your `puter's gotta work, RIGHT??? so in effect, your clack-box IS a "required tool" for setting up your slot-cars properly... RIGHT????...
  22. Replies

    I just hope it's a decent turn-out, I'm trying my...

    I just hope it's a decent turn-out, I'm trying my DAMNDEST to keep it SIMPLE, FUN, & Still have room for lots of "Racing ingenuity"...... we're having a 100% mdse. payback, plaques, refreshments,...
  23. Replies

    THANK YOU!!:) for the support, guys... Carsten...

    THANK YOU!!:) for the support, guys... Carsten (THE MAN himself!!) called me up, & we got everything figured out, (Yup there's a com-port configuration in the software...) plus he showed me how to...
  24. Replies

    I tried plugging the usb cable from the lapmaster...

    I tried plugging the usb cable from the lapmaster into all 4 different com-ports that there is on the back of the computer.. the wireless keyboard/mouse insert works on all of them... does anyone...
  25. Replies

    Simple power outage= TOTAL nightmare

    Well, isn't THIS "special" Had a power outage @ the shop today, turns out that Ameren was replacing some "lightning arrester"(?) up on the nearby lightpole. computer was Turned off @ the time, &...
Results 1 to 25 of 205
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