That's most likely my problem, I never got a bracket to solder to. I just have the cut out and thats all!
Type: Posts; User: Beadhead
That's most likely my problem, I never got a bracket to solder to. I just have the cut out and thats all!
What type of bracing do most of you use to keep the motor from coming loose. I keep poor mesh and destroying gears beacause if I hit the wall my motor mounting loosens up and there goes another...
I have had this controller for 6 months with no problems. Now I am getting very erratic power on the first couple of bands. I have cleaned the wiper bands and even if I push on the wiper arm thru...
:confused: I will be trying to run a Falcon 5 motor on a lazy 8 track using a stock car body. Any suggestions on what type of chassis and what gearing would be a good starting point? I belive the...
This is the third time I have posted this. Each of the other times it has dissapeared. Would someone please post a picture or two of how they have their chassis setup. I have read and re-read all of...
The last issue I received was #214, has anyone gotten a newer issue?
Any opinions who makes the best oilite bushings for 1/8" axles?
Is there a way to true the commutator in a sealed motor? If so what tools are needed, and how is it done.
Thanks for the info. USRAPREZ check your PM.
I run s16d sealed motors. What can I do between weekly races to keep the motor running at its best; cleaning, tuning up, etc. ?
Everyone in this forum says that you want to get the frame as close to the track as possible. I am running a Champion frame but I can't get the frame even close to the track. I use a cut down guide...
I have noticed lately that alot of the cars are using wheel decals that can be seen in the front. I thought that only real wheels must be visible not decals, what gives? If this is legal why bother...
On the last two times I have raced when I get hit hard my motor has broken the solder joint. Any tips or pictures on how I can stop this from happening, other than don't get hit?:(
How come I read sooooooo many people talk about how great the Parma Flexi-5 is, but when I look at the pictures in the picture gallery most of the winners shown are of Champion and Cheetah chassis?...
What type of adhesive should I use to apply some lead to my flexi chassis?
I know this is a very personal opinion , but where does one get the most bang for your buck. I will be running super 16d to group 12 cars.
In case you couldn't tell by my other posts I am a newbie. How do you put flat spots on your rear axle to let the set screws seat better, file them or what?
Does anyone run the aluminum pans with basically a "stock" setup? Every thread I seem to read everyone is running the standard steel chassis so why bother to get the aluminum pans if they are only...
Thank you for your answer. If this appears twice double thanks
Thanks, Monty for your answer.
I was wondering when I buy a sealed super 16d motor is it better for the armature to have balance marks on only one part of the armature or on two or three? Or doesen't it make really any difference?...
Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in the types of plastic gears out there? Some are pink some are clearish, etc. Is there really any advantage of one over the other?
Is it possible to add a blast relay to a two (2) ohm Parma turbo controller? I would like to try to add one but I'm not sure where to add it and what wires go to what terminal on the relay.
Right now I have a champion, but am very interested in the flexi 5
I posted this question on Paul's forum but I haven't gotten a response yet. I keep reading about a "bite bar". What are they and how are they used? Where do you add this to the chassis and how. I am...