Any input and or advise is greatly appreciated.
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Weve had the track home for a year now and have started assembly.
The track is setup in the upstairs of our 30x90 pole barn in the 30x35 2nd floor hobby room
Plans for the track
Two 70 or 90 amp iota power supplies
6 farad capacitor
2 marine deep cycle batteries
Lane direction switch at each station
Still trying to decide on track lap software system
The first picture is from the add on here
Second picture is how it looks so far
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Any input and or advise is greatly appreciated.
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Wow! Nice pole barn upstairs!!
You'll get plenty of input soon from people with experience. If you check Mark H.'s thread he just recently did a very thorough Did well/Do different post about 2-4 days ago in the Track Builder forum.
Guy Middleton
Everything I was taught in Engineering school I had already learned from slot cars....
Good to see that track is still alive. It came to life in New Braunfels, Texas. Then went to Waxahachie, Texas. Lost track of it after that. One of the unique features of the track is that the outside gutter area at each turn is extra deep, affording the opportunity for an errant, de-slotted car to be far enough out of the way so as not to interfere with approaching traffic on the outside lane. There's no guarantee it won't interfere, but there's a lot more room than usually found on typical tracks. It was such a popular feature of the track, that the feature was built into a new Gerding flat track in Garland, Texas. They(Gerding) balked at first as it was an unusual request. But Kyle Stokes insisted on this feature for his new track in Garland and it came to be.
Oh yeah, John and Gwen Myers of Texas built that track and deserve all the credit for that track and it's unique feature!
Nice space! Us SoCal guys are always so envious of anyone with space for a pole barn, or a basement for that matter!
Very nice. Have fun with it!
JonC, I have Lap Master and really like it. Absolutely no problems, easy install on this refurbed $100 computer, it has a qualifying mode if that is important to you and many unique features. In our club most are running Trackmate with good function.
As far as power you plan to run, it seems like you could weld with little power starvation. Why so much capacity? Two 90 amp PS, you can find them in the OWH store, and a 2 farad Cap per PS should be more than enough.
Looking forward to watching your build.........
Have a Great Day
"Racing is life........Everything else,,,,,,,,,, is just waiting" Steve McQueen in Le Mans
"There are only two things in this world that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them." Mark H
CORRECTION: I've been informed that Kyle Stokes' track in Garland was built by Ogilvie, not Gerding; my apologies for the misinformation.
Thanks for the compliments on the building. The pole barn is back in the middle of the woods, no body would even know its there. If this track turns out good we plan to open up a club, there are about 6 friends and family members that raced at the local tracks years ago before they shut down.
As for the power system I wanted to be sure that at the start of the race there would be no lag in power. I would like to be able to run/test any and all cars.
Are you saying deep cycle batteries are no longer needed?
I can source a 6 farad capacitor from a local car audio shop for under 75 bucks.
I wil look into the trackmate and lap master systems.
We want to be able to run a full race with qualifying and lane rotations.
3 of the guys in our group are IT for local hospitals and have pitched in parts to build a computer.
We have a power drop and conduit routed to the peak of the ceiling for 3 tvs to be hung in a triangle pattern for timing/race data.
Gp 12 and above really like battery power, especially the coms. Many places can't use batteries though and run strictly on power supplies and seem to do fine.
Alan Ingram
I will probably just run batteries, they wont hurt and in case of a power outage we can still race for a bit.
If the power goes out I hope you have a bunch of windows for lighting.
Batteries will give good service when maintained properly but will need replacement over time. Paul has the the Iota Power supply listed in the OWH store. One of the guys in my office, Electrical Engineer, told me that the Iota, Rivergate and ???? are made by the same company and sold to customers under different names as mentioned. These are basically RV or Electronic Equipment Power Supplies. He chose the Iota for his use and I have had no problems on my track.
With the capacitor, a 6 Farad is a lot of power. Way more than the demand at stat should be. My understanding is the Cap serves two functions, provide power for surge so PS can catch up if needed and to filter out AC ripple. Others here may have better explanations.
Have a Great Day
"Racing is life........Everything else,,,,,,,,,, is just waiting" Steve McQueen in Le Mans
"There are only two things in this world that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them." Mark H
Lap Master is your best idea for track software, up todate and windows based... we have it at the club and it works awesome
Jay Rogers
Mic Byrd .....PowerPlants!!!!
CRUSH GRAPHIXS...custom numbers and paint masks... just ask
Balance By Bill Bugenis !!!!
I agree with Jerzey JayRo, Lap Master is very good. It is close to twice the price of TrackMate but has a few things within the software you may find interesting. Qualifying, Track Records, Race leader and others are on my list of likes. That said, our club primarily uses TrackMate and it has all the basic functions most would want. Lapmaster comes with a wireless remote. TrackMate requires an aftermarket piece you can find at ebay. For the cost I am surprised it just isn't included with TrackMate.
Have a Great Day
"Racing is life........Everything else,,,,,,,,,, is just waiting" Steve McQueen in Le Mans
"There are only two things in this world that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them." Mark H