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Thread: PS4002FK experiences

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Wellington, New Zealand

    I have bought five (5) PS4002FK motors and they are all within a tenth of each other.

    Unfortunately, the endbell bearing on two of them, had worked loose - however a drop of Loctite soon resolved that problem.
    Last edited by Zippity; 02-03-2015 at 05:35 PM.

    "Rules are written by FEAR; and that Racers are motivated by the Fear that somebody may have something that gives others an Edge." - Rocky Russo

  2. #92
    Join Date
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    Home of the 2007 USRA Nats and a pretty fast King Track
    Loctite on plastic?
    There are "Racers" and there are "Talkers".....which one are you?

  3. #93
    Join Date
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    Wellington, New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by RomanK View Post
    Loctite on plastic?
    Sure, why not?


    "Rules are written by FEAR; and that Racers are motivated by the Fear that somebody may have something that gives others an Edge." - Rocky Russo

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Ron, I have 2 4002FK motors, one with a loose bush in the endbell, the other a loose bush in the can. I contacted NZSCA regarding being allowed to glue in the endbell bush and solder in the can bush. As this was around Xmas time, with some people away, I was told that it would be sorted after Xmas, and that common sense would prevail! In the meantime I did what was necessary and these motors are running ok now, but will not be allowed to run at the Nats. Luckily for me I am still able to run these motors in Hamilton, as common sense does prevail here, and apparently at Henderson and Tauranga!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zippity View Post

    I have bought five (5) PS4002FK motors and they are all within a tenth of each other.

    Unfortunately, the endbell bearing on two of them, had worked loose - however a drop of Loctite soon resolved that problem.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickB View Post
    This for those that have ahd some/any experience with the PSFK motor. What has you experience been, and what I mean, if you bought 5 motors, how many were actually good race motors, how many pretty good and how man practice motors? How much do these motors vary on the track? 2 tenths, 3 tenths less than a tenth?... Now please only respond if you have had true experience and not just opinion.. TIA....
    I purchased four last spring when BRS started the 7-68 class. They were within a 10th or less of one another. Sold two to racers who didn't have one to race with. The other two I raced them in a couple of races before sending those two off for some testing elsewhere. Won a race or two with each of them. They are all race motors as far as I am concerned.

    Got 4 at the RETRO ROC hand out race and picked up 4 more here and there between the ROC race and by August 1st. All have ran within a 10th of one another on various tracks and various power situations. Have a total of 8 currently and no need to purchase anymore so far.

    Had one go "soft" at a race in practice, put on a new set of springs, it came back to life and won the race that day with that motor.

    Have only ran them in Retro Can Am and F1 cars and a few Flexi type races and have had no issues or problems with them. In flexi cars them seem to run even closer time wise than in retro cars. Have ran them in 2 minute and 3 minute heat lengths. They have great brakes and don't fade as the motor gets warm.

    I have run 20 races so far with these motors.
    "When you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow"

  6. #96
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    Cleveland, OH

    Of the 8 I've bought and track tested. Lost 2 to endbell bushing coming loose. I attribute that to improperly cutting the endbell shaft using a bad balance dremel though. The other ones I cut properly with a good balance dremel and glass smooth cutting wheel have not failed.

    Lost another to bent pinion shaft. I don't know if that was out of the bag or whacking a newbie FCR whom failed to call his deslot under the bridge. I only noticed it after un-floating the body mounts the next week.

    The 5 remaining are 2- 3.0 second motors and 3- 3.1 second motors on Marks Model World flattish though glass smooth Gerding King in a $100 Wing Car platform. The track is currently billed as the slowest Gerding King in the world though I was doing 2.3's with a 10 year old Cobalt 12 car a couple weeks ago so it really *isn't* that slow.

    Mark runs around 14 volts on the track and the internal brush FK-130 type motors do not last very long there.

    These ProSlots do.

    The FK-130 type motor has a harder shaft and bushing arrangement. The ProSlots seem a little more soft.

    Both motors have their strong and weak points. But then again we are talking about a sub $14 disposable motor. A well built blueprinted motor they are not. And for $14, I don't think they ever will be. So at some point in time you *will* be saying goodby to your motor because something irreplaceable has wore out. But these motors are evolving into a damn nice product for what they are. Let's hope they continue to work on the weak points.


    Have you cut the endbell shaft on the ones that came loose? I'm asking to help me figure out if my theory above is correct. I haven't tried Loctite yet, which part number? I have found JB Weld 2-part epoxy to work very well. It has a overnight cure time though.

  7. #97
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    I have found in the past that super glue will hold the bushing place when you can not take the motor part with Puppy Dog motors. I have yet to have one come loose in a PS-FK motor.

    I don't normally cut the endbell shaft off as I prefer to leave it as is for additional "cooling" purposes. I did have to cut the shaft on one motor for some chassis clearance issues and the oilite is still tight in the endbell.
    "When you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow"

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by swodem View Post
    I get that Kieran, but $30 wouldn't stop anyone really if they were interested in the hobby and could see the benefits. Just this motor change alone to the PS4002 should see more than that in savings from constant replacement Falcons. Plus I believe the introduction of new technology (not that the JK Chassis is really 'new') introduces more excitement and is likely to hold people around.
    Hey, Im all for a change. Whatever makes my race program easier, but I also like to keep NZ slot cars best interests in check!

    Its a annual debate about race fees and how high they are. So $30 plus is a big deal to people. Change definitely can be implemented, but the right manner and phasing out needs to be orchestrated correctly. Numbers and atmosphere wasn't built overnight at NZSCA events, id hate to loose that in the battle to shave 2 tenths off your laptime.

    Just to keep this post a little more on topic.....changing make of motor hasn't benefited anyone but the manufacture. You still have the same problem of finding extra speed in a restricted class. People are going to have bad experiences with any mass produced equipment.


  9. #99
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    So far so good. Do you any of you have any info on the Retro HAwk also. Same question , how many out of 5 or 10, etc. Speed comparison to PSFK? This may be considered drift from topic, if so, I will start a new thread.......TIA..

    Zip, I know you race primarily on a flat road course and they will probably test closer on that type of track as compared to a high speed track, like we race on mostly here.

    I had several PD's also spin the EB oilite a while back, not as bad lately. Lots of magnets dropped too, I now squeeze the chit out of the clips as soon as I take it out the bag now....
    Why make it tougher than it really is?
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  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zippity View Post
    Sure, why not?

    Zip, actual Loctite thread lockers (anaerobic cure) typically don't get along well with plastic, at least in my experience....the 480 product (cyanoacrylate adhesive) is more of a "Super Glue" so as you have shown, would work well for your application.

    Thanks for educating me.
    There are "Racers" and there are "Talkers".....which one are you?

  11. #101
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    That looks like Black Max and has rubber in the mix?.....
    Why make it tougher than it really is?
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  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam pan View Post
    If the JK chassis is limited to the two piece/closed motor box design(C-21) it will limit the fear of the "Bendies". We will be allowing this chassis in the "Kid's S16-D Flexi " class at SAL. The T-Flex has been the mainstay up till now. With no RTR cars to sell it was decided to allow the chassis that comes with the JK RTRs. It is less susceptible to bending and easy to set up. The T-Flex is getting a bit long in the tooth. Time to let it go.
    The C-21 is a very nice chassis, much easier to drive and learn than the TFlex. I would NEVER steer a newbie to the TFlex as it requires way too much work for it to be competitive.
    Alan Ingram

  13. #103
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    Dayton, OH
    I have 2 PS4002FKs and I have been playing with them in a group F built to the rules for the Dallas Nats. I ran the first one as is initially and turned a 2.92 at Port Jeff on 14.2V. I noticed the brush hoods weren't straight and straightened them, swithched to Champion Red Springs and Koford BFII brushes. I made some mods to the body as I thought it was too stuck and got it down to a 2.90 at The Track on 13.6V. Both motors are pretty much equal so far. One is faster one time, then the other might be faster the next time. I suspect that has more to do with track conditions changing slightly than motor output. Will run more laps with it Sunday when we race wing cars .

  14. #104
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    Yes I had to take a look--------this whiteboard seems to be the biggest topic at our club.
    regarding the motor issue, the obvious choice would be to go where common sense prevails and enjoy racing modern cars at the same time,
    the plus side is just not worth ignoring--close to home-you go well on the track, so where is the downside ,see you when your next up #27

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by swodem View Post
    Really? $30 for a chassis and $2 for some bushings....
    I gave up banging this drum a while back-figured there just wasn't anyone awake to smell the coffee, Why they would pass up the one opportunity to compete on an even footing with the rest of the world beats me.There can only be a bigger agenda somewhere.possibly an old mans club-or is it the school tie,--------I just had to see what all the who harr is about
    accept nothing--question everything and theres only one thing you take lying down:


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