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Thread: Retro Chassis Builders - Who's Who?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Geographically Brooklyn, politically Berkeley
    It's worth parsing Paul's guidelines: "builders who's chassis are winning races, used by top racers, setting trends, raising the bar, and/or influencing and inspiring other builders." This was amended in post #23 to focus on fellows looking for whose chassis they might buy or copy, and that narrower question needs a different perspective from the original. The fact that a guy might be asking that question implies that he's not real experienced as a builder or racer of Retro cars, and as such, may not have the same needs in a chassis as the "top racers:" those two groups might have very different and exclusive requirements indeed.

    It's probably universal that the hotshots can wring every last drop of performance out of a car (and I mean whole car, not just chassis, because it's the entire setup that makes the performance), and in addition to being great drivers they usually are great tuners & setup guys, as well as knowing how to set up for any track on any given day; there's a ton of experience going into those qualifications, and it's probably rare for a fresh face to operate at that level. Just having a chassis that's built by, or looks like, or uses so-&-so components, is a very small part of the package. A fellow's gotta know that going in, as he makes his choices.

    Same time, we've all discussed-to-death the dangers of putting a frisky, highly-tuned car into the hands of any guy not ready to handle it: too often, that ends with broken equipment, either that guy's or somebody else's. A fast car don't make a slow driver fast so much as it makes him dangerous.

    I'm seeing this thread as more of a celebration of guys deserving the credit and the glory. I think the subject of whose chassis oughta be driven by whom needs to be more specifically framed, if it's gonna be really useful to guys who need to ask the question.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    San Diego at the beach of course, love babes
    I hear you Duffy and you touched the right points of chassis vs drivers. We where going through some changes at BPR and the guys that was use to run standard longer wheel base rides went through hard times running short wheel rides!
    Know must of us are running the shorter rides and they seem to do better!

    I'm the most boring person you could meet.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    May 2015
    New Jersey USA
    Ok guys my comments from Jersey. First a few of those racers on Nooses list don't sell to the general population. Many are high in Retro East constructor points because they are A main racers that win with there own chassis which is great accomplishment However, it doesn't tell the whole story. I am however one of THE OTHERS.
    i consider my self a successful chassis builder. Im selling on average 10 chassis a month. My good friend RGEO who manufactures very affordable chassis's should be on everyones chassis list, Rick Jr and Chris Radisch are usually winning an A Main somewhere. The Same for Mike Katz and Duffy.

    Alot of the builders on Mike Swiss list might not be the greatest but we certainly are out there selling .
    . My Marketing philosophy is to sell to the other racers. The B,C, D guys and beginners that need and want an affordable, competitive chassis. Having an A Pro win with one of mine doesn't prove much to me as those guys on Nooses list can set up a cinder block to win LOL.
    Several of my Chassis buyers have made A-Main races. Hell, I even made an A Main.. I work personally with all my customers to build and design what works for them. At most RETRO EAST Races there are at least 4 or 5 of my chassis running at every race. Am I a successful builder ??? I would say yes!! I have great pride in my products and the Drivers that race them. Will I be on that A-list as a Driver/ Builder? not likely. But I do believe others are driving better because they use my Chassis and the OTHERS as well, and That is what its all about for me..

    Regards Jersey John Molnar
    Regards Jersey John Molnar
    Last edited by Jerseyjohn63; 05-10-2015 at 01:58 PM.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseyjohn63 View Post
    Ok guys my comments from Jersey. First a few of those racers on noose list dont sell to the general population. Many are high in Retro East constructor points because they are A main racers that win with there own chassis which is great accomplishment but it doesnt tell the whole story. I am however one of THE OTHERS.
    i consider my self a successful chassis builder. Im selling on average 10 chassis a month. My good friend RGEO who manufactures very affordable chassis's should be on everyones chassis list, Rick Jr and Chris Radisch are usually winning an A Main somewhere. The Same for Mike Katz and Duffy.

    Alot of the builders on Mike Swiss list might not be the greatest but we certainly are out there selling .
    . My Marketing philosophy is to sell to the other racers. The B,C, D guys and beginners that need and want an affordable, competitive chassis. Having an A Pro win with one of mine doesn't prove much to me as those guys on Nooses list can set up a cinder block to win LOL.
    Several of my Chassis buyers have made A-Main races. I work personally with all my customers to build and design what works for them. At most RETRO EAST Races there are at least 4 or 5 of my chassis running at every race. Am I a successful builder ??? hell yeah !! I have great pride in my products and the Drivers that race them. Will I be on the A-list as a Driver/ Builder not likely. But I do believe others are driving better because they use my Chassis, and That is what its all about for me..

    Regards Jersey John Molnar
    Nice comments John!!!!

    Jeff Strause

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South Carolina, USA

    who's who

    First of all, I'm shocked that I'm not listed! (Now that you've had a chance to chuckle...or toss your cookies...)

    Anyone interested in trying to build a chassis should watch Steube's video. It's timeless, giving a master builder's insights to the tricks of the trade. Is it on YouTube?

    I'm sorry to hear that Mike isn't building or racing retro anymore. He's an asset to our hobby.
    Jim Beasley

    "All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian."
    Pat Paulson, ca. 1968

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by swiss View Post

    Paul K,
    Subject for your next retro thread.
    "Most insecure Retro racer".
    Quote Originally Posted by RomanK View Post
    Mike Swiss?
    Backfire ...

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Northlake, TX
    Ken Stevens. Great builder and great racer. Quite a few racers in the Dallas area run his chassis myself included.

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