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Thread: Help me clean up ebay

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    by a Great Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill from NH View Post
    I might question whether the "mass produced chassis and changed a couple things and put a Dave Bloom body on it," was a "scratchbuilt" car., but the other examples you mention are. I have my first scratchbuilt car I built in 1967. It has a Lancer factory painted body but the chassis is 100% scratchbuilt brass, except for the Russkit motor bracket. If one build a retro or a jaildoor chassis, they doesn't have to form their own brass rods & sheets.

    OK, so you question one of my examples. Someone else might question a couple more or see the one you question as acceptable but have issue with me using a water jet to cut pieces out of a sheet of brass?

    One more:

    Local Chicago racer designs cutlery for a living. If he uses ACad to design and then uses a 3D printer to manufacture his chassis is it scratch built? Nothing in the Wiki definition of "scratch built" lists what materials or process are required or excluded to fit their definition. It meets my definition of scratch built. It's someones unique intellectual property and manufactured from a roll of 3D printer filament (raw material). Obviously the design tools and manufacturing process is high tech? That being said, it probably isn't what many here would consider scratch built since it's not made from brass and piano wire?

    Point I'm trying to make is again everyone has their own comfort level in regard to the definition. It's ludicrous to even think about trying to clean up eBay because someone has a different definition than the seller. I guess it's just too difficult to expect someone to move along if the sellers ad doesn't fit their interpretation?
    Last edited by Scale Series; 09-16-2016 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I don't have any problem with you calling the Dave Bloom example "scratchbuilt". I just wouldn't. Is the Chicago guy using CAD & a 3D printer making "one-off" chassis designs for his own use or is he producing chassis for a group such as the Mid-America hard-body club to run? The first, I'd consider "scratchbuilt", but not the later. I realize not everybody would agree with me, but it's more interesting than discussing eBay problems.
    I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    by a Great Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by fatbear View Post

    I have complained to ebay about the most questionable auctions with no action on their part. They make it hard to complain or "report" a listing unless it's vulgar, violent or sexual (not always a bad thing in my mind.) You'd think that keyword stuffing, outright lies with no real descriptions would get their attention but you'd be wrong. In the worst cases I have called ebay to complain and even when they agree with me they don't do anything. I had one rep tell me they don't have anyone to investigate these types of complaints. WTF you don't need anyone to review listings, I just told you where to look!

    Bill from NH:

    I don't have any issue with anyones interpretation of scratch built. We could debate for hours at what point a 3D printed chassis turns from scratch built to mass produced? A different example would be are a prominent Retro builders chassis. He seems to build in 6-10 identical chassis at one time? Are they scratch built or mass produced since they're basically assembled in an assembly line fashion? None of it's relevant to the OP reason for starting this thread.

    Normally, I have the attitude that my TV channel changer works, if I don't like the programing I just change the channel. I apply that to eBay, TV and even forums. My pet peeve is censorship which is why I've chosen to post here instead of ignoring like I do with most stupid threads. I don't have issue with Paul or his moderators censoring OWH since were all guests. I have issue with Fatbear being the self appointed eBay scratch built POLICE trying to censor eBay to protect me from myself or my buying. If I see an item on eBay, and it's in the condition I want and in the price range I'm willing to pay then I'll buy it. I don't need anyone trying to clean up auctions using their narrow framework to make it fit their paradigm of what they think it should be. Using the quote from above, I take it as Fatbear would be more than happy if eBay listened to him and pulled ads that didn't make HIS standard? Maybe those ads might have an item I'm looking for regardless of what the description said. I once bought a cool Hoffman slot car box for less than $40 including shipping. I accidentally spelled it wrong and noticed it when I hit the search button. I was going to search again with the correct spelling, but the box popped up. I was listed under HO or some other wrong category. I was the only bidder. I wouldn't have appreciated if some eBay POLICE would have had the auction pulled because spelling and category were wrong?

    Lastly: IMO this thread has nothing to do with the definition or interpretation of the words "scratch built". It's about the OP control issues and censorship to appease his narrow framework of what he believes scratch built is.
    Last edited by Scale Series; 09-17-2016 at 07:29 AM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I would have questioned if using commercial equipment makes it "manufactured" even if your building one.
    My other car is a Manta Ray

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Ok so we can't agree on what is "scratch built."

    How about this ad for Vintage ANGLEWINDER CHASSIS that contains the following:
    "I don't know any more about this or who the manufacturer was, if you do know please send us a message." but then they disable the question feature?
    My other car is a Manta Ray

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Wellington, New Zealand
    You really do give a whole new meaning to the expression: "Slot Nazi".

    Been outside to smell the roses recently?

    "Rules are written by FEAR; and that Racers are motivated by the Fear that somebody may have something that gives others an Edge." - Rocky Russo

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    St Charles, Illinois, USA
    Finding the ebay 'GEM' is part of the hunter instinct. Many sellers are just cleaning out a box from the garage and do not know what they are selling. Slotcars and cameras are two items that SOME sellers know what they are selling, but many sellers cannot tell you the history of a salt shaker, plate or any other item they list. If you find a great deal, bid on it. When the deal gets ludicrous, laugh at the sucker that paid twice too much. I find deals at garage sales as well as the thrift stores.
    l.d. kelley, M.A. [email protected]

    60 year pin 1959-2019
    Racing slot cars in America
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    1/32 - Great Lakes Slot Car Club
    retired raceway owner 1992-2007
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  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Would you believe...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramcatlarry View Post
    Finding the ebay 'GEM' is part of the hunter instinct. Many sellers are just cleaning out a box from the garage and do not know what they are selling. Slotcars and cameras are two items that SOME sellers know what they are selling, but many sellers cannot tell you the history of a salt shaker, plate or any other item they list. If you find a great deal, bid on it. When the deal gets ludicrous, laugh at the sucker that paid twice too much. I find deals at garage sales as well as the thrift stores.
    If your really believe that many ebay sellers don't know what they have, then I've got some land in Florida I like to show you. That last example was a case in point. Saying you don't know and inviting responses after disabling the question feature is just wrong. It's not a mistake it's done on purpose and it's wrong. I have seen that same seller sell those "vintage chassis" many times so it's not a one off mistake. I think you must be a really nice guy and very forgiving. Nothing wrong with that and I wish you well. As far as those lying cheating ebay sellers I can only hope those fooled by them complain! This world or our small slot car world won't get any better if we let others do wrong. Remember all evil needs is for good people to stand by and do nothing. A bit extreme but you get the point.

    PS to that other guys comment, Sieg Heil!
    My other car is a Manta Ray

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Orange County, California
    I once saw a bunch of "vintage" "classic" "NOS" junk go for over $600.00 in an auction. The kicker was the complete set of Ganke winders. Some one knew what they were and the two or three guys were not going to lose the auction...

    John Andersen

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    St Charles, Illinois, USA
    I usually look to see what the percent of items are. If only one or two of 10 or more items at 'focused sales' , I have to believe that the seller DOES have little idea of what they have. On the other hand there ARE those greedy A-whos that can best be ignored, unless you really want the item.

    Florida will be under water in less than ten years, along with other coastal areas within 5 feet of sea level.
    l.d. kelley, M.A. [email protected]

    60 year pin 1959-2019
    Racing slot cars in America
    USRA 2019 member
    IRRA, ISRA/USA, Hardbodies 1/24 &
    1/32 - Great Lakes Slot Car Club
    retired raceway owner 1992-2007
    Omni/Cidex service center

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    If you're in the market for a motor and it says "rewound and balanced" but the picture is poor or does not show that do you:

    A) think it's wrong to question or ask for clarification from the seller.
    B) bid if it's in your price range.
    C) move along to next one.
    My other car is a Manta Ray

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Wellington, New Zealand
    D) Hang myself from the nearest oak tree

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Bid often and bid HIGH!!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Please be my guest

    "balanced with epoxy" or

    "rewound with red wire"
    Last edited by fatbear; 10-14-2016 at 04:07 AM.
    My other car is a Manta Ray

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You can avoid 90% of problems by clicking US ONLY box ….NEVER BUY ANYTHING OUT OF CHINA ! they lie ,cheat ya & know they can get away w/it just by coming back under a different name !

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